What is really difficult to make an article?
I think not. Or even if initially yes, but if we diligently practice will become accustomed to so it is not difficult to do this anymore.
Well, let me understand better again below I describe some techniques to make your articles search engine readily accepted. In order for article marketing that you create easily appear on the front page of search engines.
1. In the title of the article, place the target keywords that your viewfinder. Better yet if it was in the beginning. Example suppose mas hanif targeting keyword "reseller business", make the title such as the following: Reseller Business: How to Become a Successful Affiliate
2. Create an interesting title that intrigued the reader to click the link of your article. The title of the article is interesting is opening doors for you to get loyal visitors.
3. The contents of the article to be informative and useful to readers. Always intend that at least there is an additional useful knowledge or information obtained after reading your article readers.
4. Place your keywords in anchor text and vary the order to avoid allegations of spam keywords in the eyes of search engines.
5. The length of the article you need to specify in accordance with the character and style of your blog. In general, the standard maximum length of article 500 words.
6. Be sure to check the grammar of sentences. One of the letters or words even though it seems trivial but it has great influence in the comfort of reading. Therefore before you are sure to post the article, carefully fine words and sentences. Are there any unusual words or sentences.
7. To help check grammar sentences quickly, select the browser version of the language you use. Like the Mozilla browsers that have a wide selection of languages, you can use the appropriate language article that you wear. If you write articles in English, using English version. If you often write Indonesian you can use the Indonesian version.
Is that all?
Actually there are many other techniques. but for those of you who are just starting to learn, the techniques above are sufficient to membuart your article is more friendly to search engines. If you want to know and learn more deeply, other recipes can be found in mractionclub.com.
Oh yes let me not get me wrong, the purpose of article marketing here is the article used to market the 'something'. Typically, in internet marketing search engines such as Google or Bing used to be the "target" penjaring traffic.
So article marketing does not have to contain about the science of marketing, whatever may be in accordance with the 'thing' that you want marketed.
If article marketing is that you create are able to chat well with search engines, not just increase your traffic, but rather it also enhances your reputation as a topnotch internet business.
But remember, if you are already successful article marketing ...
STILL do not ever leave the visitors. From the beginning, the visitors remain the main focus you.