Tips For Your Daughter Skinny Not Obsessed


According to a British study, 70 percent of girls now want to be thinner. The results were also made ​​by many parties concerned, including the parents. How can you not obsessed girls skinny?

Founder of the National Centre for Eating Disorders, Deanne Jade, said there are several ways that parents can do for girls not too obsessed to be thin, but still want to live healthy. Here are some of the way as reported by the Daily Mail:

1. When dealing with diet, do not talk about food as a topic of conversation. Although you actually intend to notify for a healthy child of food to eat, it still can make a child think about weight loss.

Without the need to talk long about personalan food, make sure your home is to prepare various kinds of nutritious foods and nutrition. Do not forget as a parent, you also have to set an example by contributing to sit and eat the same healthy foods to children.

2. Do not talk about diet issues, especially in front of your kids because it will motivate them to try a diet. Children can continue to try to do more and it could affect not good for them.

3. Encourage them cook together, explain where and how to make these healthy foods. Cooking together is one way that a mother could be near his son.

4. Ask your child what pressure they experienced. When the child begins to obsess about their weight, surely they're worried about something. Siapatau my friends at school had been pressing him.

5. You should never scold a child when they've just caught eating unhealthy foods like junk food. Your anger will only make children more merasahiakan all the food they eat.

6. Make sure that the father was not anything particularly menganai mengkiritk female weight because your child will think that is what has been thought by the men.

7. When your child starts are not confident with their appearance try to let them know that someone is not necessarily look attractive only from the outside. Tell the child that the woman was also seen from a good personality and achievement.

8. Try to make clear to children that the media either on television or in magazines are made because they have to sell their products to consumers. Tell them about the media world and the real purpose of the media.

9. Do not ever criticize anything about your child's body shape. If they start to express their doubts about his appearance, just listen without prejudice and worried. Always listen to what your child says because of eating disorders on a person is usually a result of parents who never want to listen to the conversation of children.

10. Be a good example for your children. Habits that often you do will be imitated by children.
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