5 Ways to Skin Care with Milk
Milk is not only a delicious drink and healthy body. Moreover, fresh cow's milk have miraculous properties for skin beauty. Cow's milk fat contains a moisturizing facial function.
Quoted from beautysecrets4U, milk contains vitamin A and D which makes the skin becomes soft. Milk also contains beta hydroxy acid that makes terkelupasnya dead skin cells and replacing them with new skin cells.
How to use the milk for the beauty of your skin? Peek into how, as quoted by Type F.
1. Face Cleanser
Nutrisikan your skin with vitamin D, in this case milk as a facial cleanser. Milk not only helps remove dead skin cells, but also soften the skin. If your skin is oily, wipe your face gently using a towel that has been moistened with skim milk (skim milk contains less fat so it does not make the skin more oily).
As for owners of dry skin, use full cream milk or fresh cow's milk. Let stand for several minutes to absorb nutrients from the milk, then rinse with water.
2. Soothing Skin from Sun Rays Burned
Too long in the sun, can make the skin dry and flaky, or commonly referred to as sunburn. Suppress this effect by attaching a towel that has been soaked with cold milk into the fire. Glue and slightly press a few minutes. According to Drs. Amy Pappert from the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, protein content in milk will form a protective layer that keeps skin moist.
3. Caring for Dry Skin
If you have skin that is dry, moisten with milk powder. Fill the tub or bath tub with warm water, then put half a cup of milk powder. Soak for 30 minutes, and you will get smoother skin afterwards. Do not rinse, let stand for several minutes until the body a bit dry, just wipe with water.
4. Face Masks
You can make milk as a face mask. The trick, mix 1 / 4 teaspoon almond oil with 1 tablespoon milk. Apply the mixture on the face with a massage, then let stand for several minutes until the mask dries. Then apply again until three-layer mask (always wait until the previous layer dries.) Lie down and allow about 30 minutes. Then clean using a damp towel.
5. Reduce the Pouch and Dark Circles Under Eyes
Bags and dark circles under the eyes make your face look dull and less interesting? Immediately relieve the kompresan milk. Dip the cotton into a cold liquid milk, squeeze a little and then paste it in both eyes are closed. Wait for 20 minutes, then clean using warm towels.